Sunday, August 21, 2016

Silver Status: Unlocked

While I was at AETA one of our buyers for Manhattan Saddlery who I've had a chance to meet a few times and adore, mentioned that she read my blog. I was both flattered and shocked...mostly shocked.
And happy- a good reminder that a) some people read my blog and b) that I haven't posted anything for a million years!

What I have managed to do is unlock my Silver Status on United with the past few trips and now shooting for Gold. It's good to have goals I suppose!
There was something immensely gratifying about choosing my Economy Plus seat on the day of a long few flights home from Philly.

So on to a recap (in photos and captions) of where I've been the past month or so. Ellie and I are signed up for Sonoma Strides and Tides September 14-18 and I've been viciously guarding those dates from travel. Now between Salt Lake, Arkansas, Seattle, Denver, and NYC I'm hoping to get a few prep rides in.

First up: Montana for my cousin's wedding! It was a great Geick reunion in a beautiful setting! Lots of fun family time. My poor Mother- most of my photos revolved around getting a selfie of her photogenic self!
Clockwise Top Left: Last Stampede Rodeo, One Armed Bandit Entertains the Crowd, Tube/ raft/ kayak/ paddleboard trip in Helena, and Brewery Selfie with the crew
Clockwise Top Left: At the wedding- unassuming MOM w Kate and Karen, at the reception w MOM, Kate, Aunt Betsy, paddle trip w MOM, Kate, Karen, Celia and in the car w MOM,  Kate, and Karen
Straight from the wedding to Outdoor Retailer. A HUGE difference this year- rather than staying in Sandy, UT- I "house sat" for my step-cousin-in-law (say that three times fast)! The most exciting moment of the trip was on Friday evening when I went to show (Facetime) Paul the chickens and they had all "flown the coop" and escaped into the backyard. 
Clockwise Top Left: The Booth, Devious chickens, teardown (Saturday afternoon- finally!), and the deer (a fabulous, old cemetery w a herd of deer next to the house) 
And finally AETA. My favorite moment of this busy weekend was when we all crowded into the Chronicle of the Horse Booth on Sunday to watch Valegro win Gold!
Clockwise Top Left: The Booth, The Team...and Beezie, the thunderclouds that threatened my sanity, Team photo! 


  1. Lots of fun travels! And congrats on the status upgrade!! I still have a long ways to go but will hopefully get there sooner or later lol

  2. Good to hear from you! Glad you've got so many fun and exciting things going on, and I can't wait to hear about the show!!

  3. So many wonderful adventures, good luck at your show!

  4. Busy lady! Best of luck at the show!

  5. That's a lot of travel. Good luck at the show.

  6. Lol my mom is the exact same way
