Monday, April 11, 2016

Herbal Horse Review: Part 1

Ellie is in Sacramento so I can't put my new goodies from The Herbal Horse, a small business focused on all natural product for the horse and rider, to good use just yet.....
But that doesn't mean I can't write a Part 1 review right?

Packaging: Adorable. And it so happened that I forgot to pack hairbands today for my office's 4pm yoga class- how did Helen know to include a few? Can't beat a cute fox print! Little touches throughout the box, stuffing, and containers show attention to detail!

Extras: Suckers, hairbands (yes- I'm clearly sold), and samples? Plus a hand written thank you note written in GOLD pen. Love the extra touches! Did I mention that I'm 5 Unicorn points away from $10 off my next purchase?

Smells: The scent of the product came through the box- notes of Lavender and Rose- helped along by the Lavender satchel (EXTRA) included in the box!

I'm including the USEF approved "Be Calm" and Lip Balms (Blackberry, Rose, Vanilla Lavender) in my show bag and may need to place a pre-order of "Muscle Soothe" for receipt by the time I get home!


  1. This makes me even more excited for my order. I shipped it to my mom while she was down in Florida. I can't wait until she gets home. I'd be interested in hearing what you think of the muscle soothe when you get it.

  2. I'm am totally in love with her stuff! I want to order it allllll!

  3. I love her stuff and how nicely she packages it all.

  4. Ooo I'm so excited! I'm going to order the Be Calm for my crazy baby when he comes home, but I also want everything else. I'll need some serious self control when I actually place the order.

  5. Love The Herbal Horse and all the little extras!!

  6. Aw those little fox pops are adorable!

  7. You guys all totally made my day!! Emily, the fox print is totally my favorite hair tie I currently have in stock :) I am so glad you like it too! Thank you so much for your review, it means a lot to me --Helen, The Herbal Horse
