Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Gray Horse Grooming Woes

Today of all days I wanted Ellie to look nice. The infamous Joan was coming to teach we wanted to look sharp.

Sometimes Ellie will look super clean when I show up.....this rarely happens. But more often then not her brown spots are fairly manageable.

Luck was not on my side this day. Oh my god. She was covered in poop stains crusted with dirt. On her ears, rump, belly. It's like she pushed a pile of manure into a mattress and took a long nap.

I do not arrive for my lessons 15 minutes before the scheduled start for a quick tack up like my friends with Bay horses do. I show up an hour before, put in 20-30 minutes of solid grooming to get her looking presentable.

Today she got multiple curries, brushing, and green spot wipe downs and she STILL looked like an Appaloosa!

Cowboy Magic Green Spot Remover is my secret weapon for finding her dapples through the dirt. Those of you with gray horses- any other grooming tips of the trade?
Still feeling optimistic



  1. They always sleep on the poo pillow at the most inopportune times! #greyhorseprobs

  2. Miles usually gets 20 minutes of grooming for rides too.. and he's chestnut! I can't imagine how long it would take me to keep a grey horse clean...

  3. I'm impressed that you keep her as clean as you do. :-)

  4. dapple grays are sooooo pretty, but so hard to keep pretty!

  5. She's adding some special color to her dapples :P
