Occasionally I'll take a step back and ask myself, "Am I a good student? Am I someone that my trainers enjoy giving lessons to? What can I do to be a better pupil?"
And every time I do this exercise there are always a few specific constructive criticisms. But before I shame myself- I'll sandwich in a few areas where I feel I excel.
Timeliness: I am always on time for my rides and am conscientious of my trainer's time.
Listening Skills: I think that I'm good at listening to my trainer's feedback and employing their suggestions in my rides. They may think differently based on the number of times they've told me to close my fingers.
Polite: Generally speaking I am pleasant to be around. I often answer with a yes or no ma'am (I picked up the ma'am chatting with old timey Western folks.....also why I am now using the word folks... and it's usually reserved for when when I'm trying not to shriek a string of swear words). And always say thanks for the time.
Areas for improvement.....
Just do it already!!!: Currently a typical jump or canter convo with me would go like this...
Trainer: Let's do this exercise at a canter.
Me: Can we just trot it?
Trainer: I'd really prefer you canter it. But you can trot it the first time.
Me: Fine. I'll just go canter it.
Really? I might have just gotten annoyed with myself as I was typing. Yet this is verbatim from our lesson this morning.
Just do it. Don't talk back. Just do what they want you to do. You're going to do it anyway.
Stop Over Sharing: When it comes to horses I feel as if I have the maturity level of a 10 year old. Coupled with a 31 year old brain I tend to wax poetic to my poor trainers ad nauseam about my philosophies as to where we are in our training.
For example....
Trainer: I think you have a great eye, you just worry about distances to fences. This exercise will help with that.
Me: Well *stop to stand around*.... really I think I'm not jumping because we really haven't connected on the flat, we haven't been cantering much, I can't get her medium canter down in flatwork, it seems counter productive to jump, blah blah blah blah blah
Trainer: Nods head (and I imagine is saying a nonverbal "shut up")
Me: Good. You agree. I'm glad to be doing these poles.
Then after the lesson I think to myself, "Why couldn't you just keep it to yourself and shut the f up?"
Sometimes I have the forethought to coach myself before lessons- which should not be that challenging. Because it's really just "be quiet and do what they ask."
I'm curious- what would you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses as a student?
Ellie says, "Shut up about the medium canter please." |