Wednesday, January 7, 2015

101 Dressage Exercises

Look what came today! 101 Dressage Exercises! No, I am not stepping into the dressage arena just yet (although my distinct lack of jumping makes it feel that way)- however one of my goals for this year is that I approach all of my free ride times with Ellie equipped with a plan of attack. Or just any plan really.
I have a feeling that when I enter into a ride with set exercises in mind that I will likely be much more successful than when I arrive in walk, trot, canter mode.

And of course who doesn't need a copy of the "bible" aka. Hunter Seat Equitation by George Morris. Can I get an amen?


  1. 101 Dressage Exercises is a great resource! Have fun with it!

  2. Awesome book to break up flat work boredom!

  3. nice! having a plan usually seems to help me... when i remember it haha!

  4. I would never have survived IHSA without the GM bible. For realz! Having exercises in mind is a great way to approach a free ride. Through them, you might figure out a few things about yourself and Ellie that'll make future rides better! At least, that's how things go for me. Without a definite plan, I never really figure out if my horse is stiff or just being bad. :)

  5. Ooh I have that too! It's a good one :)
