Thursday, November 20, 2014

Is it Over?

A frustrating end to what has been a very long and exhausting week.

Finding a sunny way to end the day looking through the lesson photos that my stepmother-in-law took a few weeks ago. LOVE!
Happy Ears!

Love her facial expressions!

She's in the zone and I'm like "oh shit"

Moments later I turn around and see that rein dragging on the ground. Oh Paul. 


  1. My week has been very similar, but included my lesson being cancelled last night due to cold :-(

  2. she's got such a nice expression - esp in that first pic! sorry it was a rough week, hope the weekend is better

  3. A Bad Day or Week or Ride does not a bad life make!

  4. hey if you wanna feel better about your week ask Haley what it was like working our sale lol
