Sunday, November 30, 2014

Basement Redo: Part 1

My phone was in off mode all weekend and snuggled in a Wigwam sock waiting for the VERY exciting appointment tomorrow to get a brand new screen. While it was nice to be unplugged for a bit I didn't get any horse snaps from the weekend.

What we did get was photos of me wire brushing and sanding our basement as it gets ready for a new coat of paint and new doors to keep the kitties organized. Yes. Those are swimming goggles. 

I've gotten absolutely hooked to the podcast Serial so we listened with rapt attention while spending LOTS of time spend in that basement this weekend. Whew!


  1. Omg, I am hooked on Serial too! I was so bummed last week when a new one wasn't available. Do you know how many there are until it's over?

  2. Serial has me hooked too, so mad no update because of Thanksgiving. I GOT TO KNOWWWW
