Sunday, June 22, 2014

Poo Diary: Friday

Yes- unfortunately this title will carry us through the weekend posts as most of my time at the barn was spent discussing, observing, and analyzing a lot of poo.

But an optimistic start to the day! KMT is at Woodside and they were running the Hunter Derby at 8am Friday. I thought the early start was quite refreshing and swung by before work just in time to see Kelly and Denny ride to tenth place and Rouie win her 1.10 jumpers!

I had planned to pick up new treats while I was there but after looking at the price tags and considering the budget (self imposed & rather ambiguous) I decided I would try my hand at making my own!

I did stop by the barn to graze Ellie at the end of the day- we've still got a single patch of green grass right behind the wash racks- and made sure she was comfortable enough and hydrated.

Then on to Farmer Joes to pick up the ingredients for my cookies! My coworker, Keir, is a fabulous vegan baker in SoCal so I borrowed her recipe and gave her a quick buzz so she could give this non-baker the 411.

To my delight Farmer Joes had most of the dry goods in bulk bins so I wasn't buying 10lb bags of oats and flour! I found everything but the peppermint.

Horse Cookies:
• 1 ¾ cup Applesauce
• ½ cup Molasses
• ¾ cup Brown Sugar
• 1 ¼ cup Whole Wheat Flour
• 1 ¼ cup Wheat Bran
• 2 cups Old Fashion Oats
• 1 cup Chopped Apple (approx. 1 large apple)
• 1 cup Grated Carrots (approx. 2 large carrots)
• ½ cup Crushed Candy Canes (approx. 4 regular sized candy canes)
Mix all of the above and bake at 350° for approx. 20 minutes

Despite some initial trepidation the cookies came out just fine (Paul and I taste tested) and were packed along with some Sugar Cubes and ready to head to the barn for Saturday! I chopped the carrots (no grater) and should have probably baked these for 5-10 more minutes to get a crunch. I am going to make them again for sure- a great alternative to store bought versions!

If your horse gets treats- what is their favorite? 
Kelly in her tails!

I heart Bulk Bins!



  1. You totally missed L and I! We celebrated Raleigh's birthday at the show Friday evening

  2. O's current favorite is Charleigh's cookies!

  3. Great recipe - I'll have to try that one! :)

  4. Henry is a little bit picky and prefers the oat based ones. Stud Muffins or Squeezy Buns are his favorite. Sadie on the other hand is a goat and will eat anything that gets close enough to her face without a moment of trepidation... even bute tabs. Yes, she's eaten bute tablets from my hand before. And she wanted MORE. Total weirdo.

  5. Miles loves stud muffins and Pony Pizza's!

  6. Henry isn't too picky.. you know he is a poor starved neglected horse so all treats are accepted :)

  7. When Loki came from the track his favorite treat was the spicy Dorritos. I don't feed him those anymore, lol. Now he mostly just gets peppermints because they are cheap.

  8. Those look awesome! I will be giving them a try sometime soon :)
