Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ellie Sends a Text

I know Kelly was super happy with her ride on Ellie on Friday because I got the following video along with a text about her 2'6" course (with one 2'9" fence).

Home after a LONG day at the show. Ready to relax and recap the events tomorrow! We did get a few ribbons, cried a little bit, and had a lot of fun. Par for the horse show course.


  1. Hahaha that video is adorable.

  2. Sounds like the typical range of emotions for a horse show! Can't wait to read about it

  3. haha, cute video! Can't wait to hear about your show

  4. Dude. That is the best thing ever!!! What app did she use?!?

  5. No offense meant, but if my trainer sent me that i would probably scream and throw my phone... lol
