Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Au Revoir Horseman's One Step

Things go missing at barns. Gear literally sprouts legs and wanders off never to be seen again. I was so excited to get my order from Smartpak- down to the last dregs of my Horseman's One Step. Best tack cleaner EVER! I used it once on Sunday then accidentally left it out.
No sign of it today- I checked by the barn saddle soap, in the lost & found, in the office. Poof!
I guess I've been lucky because I chronically forget to away all my things and up until now I've been able to track down the errant whip.
Smartpak labels all their individual items in shipments with the receivers name so I'm going to be giving the stink eye to anyone I see using One Step.
But in true barn fashion it likely just vanished. I know everyone has lost a thing or two at the barn- any good stories?


  1. I need to start labeling my stuff. Things don't walk off as much at my new barn as my old one, but I'll still occasionally miss something. The biggest thing I lost was a $60 show pad that disappeared at my previous barn. I also would find my saddle pads and other items put on other people's saddles... it really annoyed me.

    1. ahh bummer! I just have to shrug- that's a barn for you! :)

  2. Lost a complete bridle with D-Ring waterford attached at my old barn... I was pretty pissed!!

    1. Uggghhh! I know- Polly is chewing through her brand new happy mouth. I put my Herm Sprenger Dee on her bridle last night and resisted the urge to label it with a little tag

  3. What a bummer! I find my stuff not on my saddle/bridle rack often- does not make me happy!

  4. I think there's a barn vortex that sucks things in then spits them out three months later. I've lost and found one stick five times.
